Kent had to go home to work. Bummer. When I planned this a few months ago, I thought he wouldn’t be able to come at all, so the day he got to spend with us was a bonus for sure. I think I am all brave and strong to do things on my own, but when the rubber meets the road, I’m really not. I am grateful for his help and companionship, and I miss him when he’s not here.
Our plan for today…..Bear hump hikeAll of my family, minus Kent and my brother.The kids were wanting to go higher and higher. It’s always so hard to hold them back.Upper Waterton Lake, and Waterton Township.The view further down the lake towards the States. Halfway down there somewhere is the international border.It was windy windy windy!And because of the wind, we spent a lot of time in this shelter trying to escape it. We noticed all the shelters are built this direction, most likely for a reason. Afterall it is the windiest place in Alberta.The girls are on dinner duty. Fancy!!The boys spent most of their time playing soccer. The bikes are set-up in a semi circle for the goal.