Some very large rocks came out of the big holes we had dug for our deck piles. She was determined to be the one to move them!
I am supposed to be training to run a marathon. My plans have been thwarted a couple of times already because of injuries resulting from Mountain Biking. I thought I was OK to run this morning but 30 seconds into it I realized it wasn’t going to happen. So instead I went home and got my camera and spent some time playing with some cheap macro filter that I bought a while ago but haven’t had a chance to try out. Fun!
We (Dad!) are widening our single-wide driveway to double-wide, and adding another step to our front entrance. There are as many observers as there are workers!
I’m pretty slack in this department. He will be nearly 6 when he starts school in the fall. And I don’t want him to be the oldest in the class and the one that doesn’t know his letters and sounds. Here is one of my very sporadic attempts to teach him.
I got to go on Sequoia’s field trip to Fort Steele where they panned (very persistently) for gold. Sequoia found a speck!